Sunday 30 June 2013

Sketch of the Day

Had an idea for an animation the other day which somehow led to these two characters. I wanted the main one's eyes to be kinda "rapey" hence my tentative title, Rape Skunk. They are dirty hobo's who go around drinking and being creepy while dancing to random songs that catch my interest.

I just cleaned, inked and very roughly coloured this to try and get the idea going. I've had so many animation ideas lately, I just have to try and get one off the drawing board.

Saturday 29 June 2013

Sketch of the Day

Can't sleep... Therefore DRAW!

Photograph Studies

Found time today to do some painting, so I thought I'd do some of my HUGE backlog of Noah Bradley work. So here are some paintings I did this evening with a decidedly Japanese flavour :)

Friday 21 June 2013

A little bit of the Kahl!

My first portrait painting ever! I've recently decided to delve into painting faces and the like. Thought I'd start with the Kahl himself. Everyone loves a bit of Kahl Drogo.

Seeing as this is my first, I have found that I have a lot to learn, but I'll get there :)

Friday 14 June 2013

Random Sketch of the Day

Did some drawing as part of my sketch of the day routine I've been doing lately. I liked how this came out so here it is. My plan was to have a sassy girl eating noodles, none of these really are what I was thinking, but they came out okay :)

Sunday 9 June 2013

More Colour Studies

Due to work lately, my Noah Bradley work has declined significantly...

HOWEVER I am now getting back on track and making sure I put more time into it. Can't get better if you don't work hard right?

Here are some more colour studies from the masters.